Wilderness survival training - Les Primitifs
Discover the basics of survival in the wild, and without use of modern elements with the survival school and awareness of nature The Primitives. You learn to do with what nature has to offer.
It is not a wilderness survival exercise, the training includes lectures and practical workshops. We teach ancient knowledge that man has used long before the compass, GPS and matches.

Mushroom training
80 $ / personne
After a short theoretical presentation of the great families of fungi and collection methods and identification we go out into the forest to collect what Mother Nature offers us; we return later to the lodge where we will all clean, prepare and cook our harvest.
This training will give you the ability to correctly identify and collect yourself several kinds of mushrooms.

Wildlife and flora observation
Our ancestors ran the woods, hunted, and gathered trappaient what Mother Nature had best to offer the seasons.
Today these activities are still at the heart of people's lives here.
The flora of the boreal forest is rich and varied: carnivorous plants (purple pitcher or sundew plant), stunningly beautiful flowers (pogonie, marsh marigold ) , edible plants (juniper, sweet gale) , medicinal mushrooms (Ganoderma, chaga), medicinal plants (goldthread, Boreal clintonia) edible mushrooms (chanterelles, matsutake wrinkled pholiote) , herbs , spices and edible tubers.
In terms of wildlife, quality of wild environments offers a wide variety of habitats for wildlife.
To name a few of the species found in the area and you get a chance to see , black bear, moose, beaver, lynx , caribou, cougar , wolf, coyote , marten , weasel, and a large number of birds.

Sailing on one of most great lakes in Quebec
In sailing, canoe or kayak discover the lake and its many sandy beaches, deemed among the most beautiful in Quebec.
(Available from June to September)
A day $ 60 per person
1/2 day $ 40 per person
Rental canoe and kayak possible, contact us!

Hunting and fishing
Fishing and hunting are permitted around the site.
Mostly we hunt black bear, moose, geese and several species of partridge. The Ecogîtes Matagami Lake are located in area 17 and are close to areas 16 and 22.
Check hunting seasons on the website of Ministry of Forestry, Wildlife and Park
We find several species of fish in the lake Matagami, including pike, sturgeon, whitefish, grouper, but the one that makes every fisherman mouth salivate is the walleye, that we can fish summer and winter that summer and winter.
This white fish is so tender and delicious! (Source : Pêche et faune)
Looking for a guide for hunting or fishing, several companies in the area offer outfitting services with professional guide. We will gladly put you in link.
© Mathieu Dupuis
© Mathieu Dupuis
© Aude Rokosz
© Craig WayThomas